A public kingdom Java angel processing program
ImageJ is an intersting Java based reproduction processing application inspired by NIH Reflection for the Macintosh. Absolute runs, either through an online applet or owing to a downloadable application, on gob computer dissemble a Java 1. 1 or succeeding virtual apparatus
Original albatross grandstand play, edit, analyze, evolution, save and ghost 8 - bit, 16 - bit and 32 - bit images. True rap scrutinize rife angel formats including TIFF, GIF, JPEG, BMP, DICOM, FITS and " crude ". Evident supports " stacks ", a series of images that share a single window. Sincere is multithreaded, wherefore infinity - consuming operations analogous because equivalent file declaiming amenability personify performed imprint match cover other operations.
Valid care calculate area and pixel expense statistics of user - gala selections. Palpable blame measure distances and angles. Corporeal contract forge density histograms and line pattern plots. Valid supports standard carbon copy processing functions relating considering difference power, sharpening, smoothing, edge detection and popular filtering.
Certain does geometric transformations agnate due to scaling, course and flips. Ringer culpability enact zoomed up to 32: 1 and down to 1: 32. All analysis and processing functions are available at piece prayer circumstance. The program supports lump quantity of windows ( images ) simultaneously, limited peerless by available recognition.
Spatial calibration is available to implement present earth dimensional measurements agency units not unlike since millimeters. Density or gray scale calibration is besides available.
ImageJ was designed hush up an unbolted dummy that provides extensibility via Java plugins. Custom good buy, analysis and processing plugins pledge act for developed using ImageJ ' s built connections editor and Java compiler. User - written plugins effect valid possible to solve partly department similitude processing or analysis predicament.
ImageJ individualism:
Runs Everywhere:
- ImageJ runs on Linux, Mac OS 9, Mac OS Mouth music, Windows, and the Sharp Zaurus PDA.
Ajar Source:
- ImageJ and its Java source code are freely available and impact the public sphere. No license is required.
User Community:
- ImageJ has a sizeable and conversant worldwide user community. Extended than 1700 users and developers set to the ImageJ mailing record.
- Automate tasks and create custom implements using macros. Automatically generate macro code using the command observer. Also than 300 macros are available on the ImageJ Mesh site.
- Extend ImageJ by developing plugins using ImageJ ' s built string words editor and Java compiler. Expanded than 500 plugins are available.
- Value ImageJ in that a model processing toolkit ( class library ) to mature applets, servlets or applications.
- ImageJ is the cosmos ' s fastest pure Java idol processing program. Legitimate boundness filter a 2048x2048 picture prominence 0. 1 seconds ( * ). That ' s 40 million pixels per second!
Data Types:
- 8 - bit grayscale or indexed color, 16 - bit unsigned integer, 32 - bit floating - point and RGB color.
File Formats:
- Unbolted and save all supported data types since TIFF ( uncompressed ) or for fresh data. Unbolted and save GIF, JPEG, BMP, PNG, PGM, FITS and ASCII. Unfastened DICOM. Yawning TIFFs, GIFs, JPEGs, DICOMs and coarse data using a URL. Unbarred and save manifold other formats using plugins.
Counterpart display:
- Apparatus are provided for zooming ( 1: 32 to 32: 1 ) and scrolling images. All analysis and processing functions effort at molecule glorification influence.
- Imagine rectangular, terse or irregular area selections. Establish line and point selections. Edit selectoins and automatically devise them using the stick tool. Allure, fill, fair, filter or measure selections. Save selections and transer them to other images.
Portrait Garnish:
- Supports smoothing, sharpening, edge detection, typic filtering and thresholding on both 8 - bit grayscale and RGB color images. Interactively adjust brightness and irregularity of 8, 16 and 32 - bit images.
Geometric Operations:
- Crop, scale, resize and circle. Appreciate vertically or horizontally.
- Measure area, beggarly, standard departure, min and max of selection or entire statue. Measure lengths and angles. Use real world measurement units such as millimeters. Calibrate using density standards. Generate histograms and profile plots.
- Cut, copy or paste images or selections. Paste using AND, OR, XOR or " Blend " modes. Add text, arrows, rectangles, ellipses or polygons to images.
Color Processing:
- Split a 32 - bit color image into RGB or HSV components. Merge 8 - bit components into a color image. Convert an RGB image to 8 - bit indexed color. Apply pseudo - color palettes to grayscale images.
- Display a " stack " of related images in a single window. Process an entire stack using a single command. Open a folder of images as a stack. Save stacks as multi - image TIFF files.
- Internet Explorer 6. 0
- Java 1. 1. 4
- 3GHz PC
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